[healthy - zdrowy, nutritionist - dietetyk, habits - przyzwyczajenia]
Please read the words below and watch the movie below, and then answer some questions and sent them to my e-mail (anduina85@o2.pl)
stone - 1 stone = 6.35029318 kilograms
take away - jedzenie na wynos
cream cake - ciasto z masą
fart - puszczać bąki
fatty food - tłuste jedzenie
stomach, belly, tummy - trzy słówka opisujące brzuszek
jump up and down over a lettuce - ekscytować się sałatą
fridge - lodówka
acid - kwas
If you need help with other words, you can alway visit www.ling.pl
1. How much does Alice weight?
2. What is Alice's favourite food?
3. Where does Alice work?
4. Does Alice sleep well at night?
5. What does the family eat for dinner?
6. What is Rob's favourite food?
7. How often does Rob eat vegetables?
8. Who is the chocolate monster?
9. Where do Rob and Alice keep their fridge?
10. Who farts more - Alice or Rob?
11. How much did the family drink during one week?
Please send the answers to my e-mail till Monday (8th March) and I will be happy to give you "6" for that.
And second chance to get good grade("5" this time) is to write down everything you ate during one day(you can choose the day) and post it in the comments below(in English of course).
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