Hello everybody,
Have you heard about Gok Wan? He makes TV shows about fashion: "Gok's Fashion" and "How to look good naked." If you haven't seen it yet, you can watch a 3 minute part of an episode here.
Here are also some words you may need to understand the idea of this part.
fabulous, glamorous, gorgeous - all three mean "zniewalający"
boobs and chests - "piersi"
hips - biodra
waist - talia
curves - zaokrąglenia
hour-glass figure - figura klepsydry
v-neck - dekold w kształcie litery V
shape - kształt
pencil skirt - spódnica ołówkowa

This is a pencil skirt.
So the main idea of the show is to tell a woman what she should wear and what she shouldn't. And this is a task for you. Look at the picture on your right and write a few sentences about clothes the woman should wear and clothes she shouldn't wear - PLAY GOK.